That was a weird conversation to have. My family knows how much I love them. They know how badly I want to be a novelist some day. And I got my
first official publishing credit this week.
So I had to call them and tell them not to read it.
See what I mean about weird?
Thing is, the story is noir. It's not over-the-top, but it's a bit strong for most of my family. Even my wife was like, "Good story, but the language and stuff was a bit much for me."
So there I am emailing and calling and saying, "Hey, I'm published!! ....uh, no, I can't tell you where...well, 'cause I don't think you'll feel very good about me when you've read it. But I'm really happy to have it out there with my name on it!!"
Yeah, I know, it's probably just me.
Still, what about you? I'm a crime fiction writer, so most of my stuff will follow some pretty twisted paths. Some of it I'm fine with my folks reading, some of it not so much. Do you have anything out there like that? Or anything unpublished that you hide away and hope no one ever sees that that kind of stuff exists in your head?
Or is it just me?
God...imagine if the parents of some of my students read it...(evil chuckle)